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Every one of our client packages are fully customized.









  • What's unique about Promission Productions?
    Our fully scalable team brings two decades of experience with a proven track record for creating and executing impactful content. We are deeply passionate about our clients’ mission-driven brand stories, because they are aligned with our own “promission” philosophy.
  • What types of clients do you work with?
    Our passion is to work with any brand, company or individual committed to a proactive mission to improve, enrich and/or elevate the world.
  • What are your featured video services?
    VIDEO CALLING CARD (approximately 2 minutes) The most powerful way to connect with your customers is to make a human connection. “Your Video Calling Card” elevates your company's "About Us" from text, to an engaging conversation. Today's customers don't want to READ about who you are, and the value your business can bring them -- they want to SEE who you are, and the value your business can bring them. Here you can share your passion for your brand identity, purpose, and team, in a way that will make a great first impression on the customer community you want to attract. “Video Calling Card” includes: Conceptualization Full production 2 on-camera interviews with company experts/clients Title graphics Music Final mix/Sweetening BRAND LEGACY VIDEO (approximately 3-4 minutes) Your brand and its mission are already aligned with a passionate following of brand advocates. You want to deepen that relationship and evolve the conversation. Perhaps that's sharing the story behind your brand's legacy and its founders, the inspirational way your product/services are making a difference, or a story-driven call to action that can be a catalyst for change. “Your Brand Legacy Video” includes: Conceptualization Scripting Interviews Editing Animations/Graphics Voice Over Music Final mix/Sweetening CLIENT TESTIMONIALS (30-90 seconds) Before a prospective client commits, they want to know what it is like to work with you. They want to know if you are good at what you do. Video testimonials are a dynamic way for current clients to answer those questions for you—sharing how working with you lit them up and helped them achieve their goals. Testimonials make an intimate connection with the audience, as clients share their success stories directly to camera. Sharing these videos on your website and social media platforms is a great way to build your brand reputation while also celebrating your clients' successes.
  • What is your pricing?
    Each of our customizable packages takes your goals and budget into strong consideration. We offer free consultations followed by a creative plan based on your budget.


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